This is a curated list of Internet places/things I enjoy.
- Inigo Quilez A gold mine of short articles on math, geometry and graphics
- Jari Komppa Some very good articles on compute graphics
- Joel Yliluoma A quite prolific coder and excellent educational videos
- Ken Silverman A legendary coder
- Fabrice Bellard God-tiers coder
- Justine Tunney Code magician of great powers
- Nicole Express A gold mine of description of video game architectures
- Linus Akesson Very prolific coder, lots of well documented cool projects
- Fabien Sanglard Great articles detailing the inner working of some very influencial video games
- Paul Bourke A treasure cave of posts on math, geometry and graphics
- Michal Zalewski An excellent guide to CNC machining and resin casting
- Jim Leonard Demomaker, very in-depth articles on IBM PC hardware
- Samuli Laine Compute graphics and machine learning
- Keenan Crane Computational geometry, discrete geometry, differential geometry
- Nicholas Sharp Computational geometry, discrete geometry, differential geometry
- David Coeurjolly Computational geometry, discrete geometry
- Wenzel Jakob Rendering, inverse rendering